Review: Never Have I Ever Faked a Boyfriend by Juliet Bardsley

Never Have I Ever Faked a Boyfriend
Never Have I Ever Faked a Boyfriend by Juliet Bardsley

Their relationship was supposed to be pretend…

Eric Emerson’s last year at Cedar Oaks High couldn’t be better — he’s one of the most popular guys in the senior class, is holding solid A's across the board, and has a gorgeous girlfriend. It couldn’t be better, that is, until his girlfriend breaks up with him for a college guy.

Bri Songs loves living under the radar: she’s not exactly popular, would rather teach yoga than attend the usual teenage functions, and is perfectly content with being a senior who’s never had a real kiss. She tells herself that, at least. But with her sister’s wedding right around the corner, Bri's mom is incessantly nagging her to bring a date.

After a chance encounter after school, Eric and Bri come up with a plan to make both their lives better — Eric will escort Bri to her sister’s wedding, and Bri will help Eric win back his ex. All they have to do is pretend to date. Win-win, right?

But as their plan begins to work, the line between fiction and reality gets blurred.

What happens when fake feelings suddenly turn real?

Book 2 in the best-selling Never Ever Love series. All books in this series are short, sweet, swoon-worthy, and can be read in any order!

My Review:

Mood? lighthearted

Pace?  medium

Plot- or character-driven? A mix

Strong character development?  Yes

 Loveable characters? Yes

Diverse cast of characters? N/a

Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This is the second book in the never have I ever series that I have Finished. Add this to the list of books I have Finished  and I will no doubt reread


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