Release Day: Broken Promises by Diana Munoz Stewart


Diana Munoz Stewart is joining us today to celebrate the release of her new romantic suspense, Broken Promises! Check out the second chance romance that reviewers are raving about!

Title: Broken Promises

Author: Diana Munoz Stewart

Genre: Romantic Suspense

About Broken Promises:

Luring a serial killer to a remote cabin sounds like a bad idea. A worse idea? Staking out that cabin with your ex-fiancé.   Felicity Shields spent a lifetime fleeing her notorious mother’s reputation. But when her mother’s killer marks her as the next victim, there’s nowhere left to run. Desperate, she turns to a man she once trusted completely. The same man who broke her heart long ago. Private security expert Brooks Delgado knows how to stop a killer. He also knows Fee wouldn’t ask for his help if she had any other choice. As the man who once loved her, he’ll help her catch a murderer. As the man who loves her still, he’ll move mountains to keep her safe and prove himself worthy of a second chance.

Get Your Copy Today!

Exclusive Excerpt:

The morning after he’d arrived at Fee’s home in Santa Fe, Brooks rolled out of bed and made his way to the kitchen. He rubbed his face and eyes. Jetlag, déjà vu, fuzzy head… whatever this feeling of walking back through time into his old life was, it was unsettling. The familiarity of being back home… in Fee’s house. The bright walls, the cool tiles against his feet, the familiar smells—her lilac shampoo, the little pouches she called sachets in his room, even the cleaner she used for the house. He inhaled frankincense and myrrh. So familiar. The memory bombardment was excruciating. Every inch of this place brought forth something. A glance in the living room and he saw them laughing, talking, and watching television. He saw them on the couch, their twisted bodies, moving together, sighing together. He walked down the hall and another image appeared. This wall. He put his hand against the ochre paint. That day… the two of them wet from the rain, stripping off their clothes in the mudroom, darting through the kitchen and into this hall. Making it two steps before he grabbed her, pushed her up against this wall. He’d made love to her right here. And when they were done, she laid a hand along his jaw, looked into his eyes, and told him for the first time, “I love you.” He hadn’t been able to breathe for the joy of it, the wonder of her loving him. Like a disbelieving idiota, he’d blurted, “Promise?” She’d offered him her pinky. “Pinky swear.” He’d shaken his head. “What I feel for you is too big for a pinky swear.” Her eyes had misted. “Promise?” “Promise forever,” he’d said. And that had become the way they’d said “I love you” for the rest of their relationship. Damn it. The ache of loss thickened his throat. He pushed off the wall and strolled into a sunny, yellow kitchen with bright red cactus flower tiles. Fee sat at a wood table, on one of the mismatched red-and-teal chairs, her laptop open. She was so beautiful. Sunlight reflected off her blonde hair, stroked her pale skin, and highlighted dark circles under her eyes. He moved across the kitchen. Hard not to gawk at the perfection of her in that light blue camisole and matching boxer shorts. Those legs. Still had great legs. Lust flared, flashed, and popped inside like a firecracker as heat propelled through his blood. Easy, there. The length of time he’d been friends-with-benefitting Natalie put him firmly in the no-right-to-indulge-these-feelings category. That, along with the emotional anvil of Fee’s mom’s murder, meant he had to button his shit up. Not easy when every part of this house made him long for what had been. But this wasn’t about his feelings; it was about hers. “Buenos días, Fee.” She looked up. “I left a cup out for you.” The dart of her briskly tossed words burst his fond-memories bubble, jarring him into the present.    

About Diana Munoz Stewart:

Diana Muñoz Stewart is the Amazon #1 bestselling romantic suspense author of the Black Ops Confidential series, which includes I Am Justice and The Price of Grace and The Cost of Honor (Sourcebooks Publishing).   She lives in eastern Pennsylvania in an often chaotic and always welcoming home that—depending on the day—can include husband, kids, extended family, friends, and a canine or two.

Connect with Diana:

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