Review: Trip the Light Fantastic by Nicole Bea

Trip the Light Fantastic
Trip the Light Fantastic by Nicole Bea

Nothing heals a broken heart like an enticing new dance partner.

Eighteen-year-old freshman Chelsea DesRosiers is ready to reinvent herself. After an abysmal breakup with her cheating ex, Chelsea vows to step out of her comfort zone.

The answer? Swing dance classes. Maybe not the best idea for someone with two left feet, but the overwhelmed Chelsea soon finds herself in the arms of swoon-worthy campus dance president, Lux Colford. The attraction rises as the two spend their extra evenings practicing their moves until an old flame of Lux's shows up.

Can Chelsea risk her heart again? Will Lux prove worthy of her trust, or will finding her inner strength mean walking away?

My Review:

Mood? lighthearted

Pace?  fast

Plot- or character-driven? A mix

Strong character development?  Yes

 Loveable characters? Yes

Diverse cast of characters? N/a

Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
1st book I have read from this author
This book is really good one thing I do wish is that we got an epilogue so we could see them after college and maybe even dancing together more or teaching others to swing dance.


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