Review: Dear McKinnon by Danielle Keil

Dear McKinnon
Dear McKinnon by Danielle Keil

Everyone knows what it means to have a teal envelope taped to their locker on the first day of the month.

Everyone except new girl McKinnon Gregory.

The envelope is the start of a monthly tradition called the Secret Admirers, and something McKinnon never thought she'd see.

To her surprise-- and everyone else's-- the teal envelope is taped to her locker on March first.

McKinnon only has one month to figure out the clues. But she barely knows anyone, which makes it infinitely harder to determine her secret admirer's identity.

Will she figure it out before the month's over?
And if she does, will the guy she's fallen for through letters be just as amazing in person?

My Review:

Mood? lighthearted

Pace?  medium

Plot- or character-driven? A mix

Strong character development?  Yes

 Loveable characters? Yes

Diverse cast of characters? N/a

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This book is very good, and I cannot wait to see what happens with the next character in the next book I hope we get to see all the previous characters in the next book


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