Review: Seventeen Wishes by Erica Alexander

Seventeen Wishes
Seventeen Wishes by Erica Alexander

If knowing the truth could leave you more broken than believing the lies, would you still want to know it?

We’ve been friends out entire lives, Lilly and me.
But I have not always being truthful.

There are lies we tell ourselves so we can hold on to hope.
And lies we tell those we love to save them the pain.

There are truths that are too big and too final.
And truths that give us a reason to keep going.

This is where I live. Between the lies and the truths.
Between hope and finality.

This is the place I’ve created for us.
For Lilly and me.

A place without expiration dates.
A place where I can be me and where the promise of tomorrow exists, even if it’s a lie I tell myself.

Our time is limited, so I’ll make the most of it and hope she’ll forgive me for the lies I told us both.

***Previously a part of Between Hearts: A Romance Anthology***
*Stand Alone Novella.
*Not recommended for readers younger than 18.

My Review:

Mood? lighthearted

Pace?  medium

Plot- or character-driven? A mix

Strong character development?  Yes

 Loveable characters? Yes

Diverse cast of characters? N/a

Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This book was very slow
This book was very slow, and I didn't really like it, but this was her 1st book that she's written So hope if I go to her new Books, I will like her writing even more


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