Review: Dear Marley by Danielle Keil

Dear Marley
Dear Marley by Danielle Keil

Everyone at Ryder High knows what it means to have a teal envelope taped to their locker on the first day of the month.

For Marley “Sunny” Sorenshine, a Secret Admirer might be just what she needs to put her recent, very public, break up behind her.

Her optimism is dimmed when she reads the first note—her admirer was tricked into participating. He didn’t choose Marley, a dart did. And he wants her to quit.

But if Marley is good at anything, it’s seeing the silver lining and standing up for herself. She decides to throw her Sunny disposition into the game to challenge her Admirer’s grumpiness.

The guy can’t be all that bad—he carefully crafted a crossword puzzle just for her. And as the month goes on, he shares more personal details that intrigue her.

Will Marley stick it out until the end, or will her Admirers morose attitude get the best of her?

My Review:

Mood? lighthearted

Pace?  medium

Plot- or character-driven? A mix

Strong character development?  Yes

 Loveable characters? Yes

Diverse cast of characters? N/a

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I love this series and can't wait to see who the next book is about


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