Review: Our Offseason by S.C. Kate

Our Offseason
Our Offseason by S.C. Kate

Duke Callahan thought he’d spend his offseason months partying with the Stanley Cup again. It never crossed his mind that he’d sustain a season-ending injury in the playoffs and end up back home trying to recover.

He hadn’t visited his old rink since he left for junior hockey seven years ago, but there’s not much else to do in Northfield, Minnesota with a concussion and broken ankle.

But when he wanders into the Ice League Arena looking for a summer coaching gig, he sees her…

But that wasn’t possible.

She moved to Canada for her figure skating around the same time he left for juniors. He tells himself it’s just his mind playing tricks on him… because all his memories of this place included her.

My Review:
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This book was really good I like how it showed them when they were younger and now see them finally get their happily ever after mod: Lighthearted pace: medium


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