Excerpt reveal: CONTROL by Melissa Cassera

 Control by Melissa Cassera is a YA paranormal romance coming March 28th. Check it out and be sure to pre-order your copy today!

Title: Control

Author: Melissa Cassera

Genre: YA Paranormal Romance

Release Date: March 28th

About Control:

For Natalie Covington and Henry Thorne, only one thing is certain: things are about to get out of control. 18-year-old Natalie has big ambitions but very little control over her situation. She’s trapped at an elite boarding school on a private island, where cell phones are forbidden, militant guards line the iron gates, and her practically prearranged boyfriend has eyes for another girl.   Everything changes when a mysterious new student arrives named Henry Thorne. Henry is a “precog”—a hidden society of people who can see the future, and who are forbidden to reveal their powers. When Henry has a grisly vision of Natalie being murdered, he ultimately decides to save her and face the consequences. But the consequences of changing the future are more dangerous than Henry imagined, unlocking a wide conspiracy among his kind that’s linked to Natalie’s past, and a desire that threatens to consume them.   CONTROL is the first installment in The Lockwood Trilogy. This fast-paced Upper YA/New Adult Paranormal Romance is filled with thrilling turns, self-discovery, spicy language, light steam, and a cliffhanger ending that will leave you obsessing for more.   Reader Discretion: this book contains graphic language, violence, and some heat. Best suited for 16+.

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Exclusive Excerpt:

My shoes smack to the ground below and I bolt ahead, shoving my way through Lockwood’s elite, and get to the student just as he crashes to the floor. I lean over him and grab onto his arms. His eyes are squeezed shut, like he never wants to open them again. “Hey,” I whisper. He stirs. His eyes flutter open and clash with mine. They’re deep green with flecks of gold. Intense. Like he’s staring into my soul. “Are you okay?” I say. His breathing accelerates, then his fingers snap around my wrists, his nails digging into my flesh as his gaze darkens. His jaw clenches, nostrils flared—the savage pounding of his pulse strums against my skin. Every alarm sounds in my body—get out of here!—but all reason has just left the building. I can’t move. I can’t think. There’s something about this stranger that I just have to know.

About the Author:

Melissa Cassera is a Professional Screenwriter, Author, and award-winning Publicity Expert based in Washington State. Melissa and her work have been featured in Variety, LA Times, Success Magazine, and Fast Company. She was named one of the nation’s Top Personal Branding Experts by The Huffington Post. On-screen, Melissa is the writer of THE OBSESSION THRILLOGY (Lifetime Network’s first trilogy of movies.) She is also the writer of the films SECRET LIVES OF COLLEGE ESCORTS, NIGHTMARE NEIGHBORHOOD MOMS, MOMMY’S LITTLE STAR, DADDY’S PERFECT LITTLE GIRL, HER STOLEN PAST, and GIRL FOLLOWED. Melissa also sold an eight-episode dark comedy series, ADDICTED, to Fullscreen. She has two additional feature films, WHO KILLED OUR FATHER and NIGHTMARE PAGEANT MOMS, coming to Lifetime Network in 2023, and six additional film projects in active development. When Melissa is not whipping together obsession-worthy words, she can be found drinking too much coffee, playing at the lake with her dogs, or getting lost in the romance section of a bookstore. Follow Melissa at her website: https://melissacassera.com/ or on Instagram: @Melissa.cassera  

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