Review: The Games We Play by Katie Rae

The Games We Play
The Games We Play by Katie Rae

It wasn’t the physical pain that stayed with me, it was the emotional mind games that I still suffered from. Two years later and I still carried those scars everywhere.

But then two megastar athletes walked into my life with their own kind of games, and suddenly hiding wasn’t so easy.
Their games made me forget my issues. Made me feel safe again. Made me laugh again. Made me trust again. Made me forget I even had a reason to hide in the first place.

And with them, I ultimately agreed to the craziest game of all—a new relationship that would test friendships, boundaries, and trust.

The problem was….once I let my guard down……
I was found. My past intertwined with my present to complicate an already perverse situation.

Despite my past, despite the obstacles, and despite the forbidden games we play….. can our new relationship find a happy ending?

And if we do, will I be forced to choose between them? Neither of them? Or will I get to keep them?

*The book is a first time book for a first time author. Sports romance that takes you through the beginnings of an MFM relationship.

My Review:
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I really liked this book I liked that they let her choose if she wanted to be in the limelight or not and how much she wanted to be in the light even after her crazy ex.


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