Review: Chase and the Girl Who Came Back by Amber Davis

Chase and the Girl Who Came Back
Chase and the Girl Who Came Back by Amber Davis

Chase and the girl who came back is a Young Adult contemporary romance set in a fictional Australian town.


Chase had it all planned out. He would finish school, move to New Hope and keep living his best life - no regrets. Nothing was going to change. Well that’s what he thought.

When a mysterious girl with familiar blue eyes shows up in his driveway, his world shifts. He didn’t realise something was missing until he met her.

Yasmin has walls around her - shadows from her past follow her everywhere. Who is this guy who bulldozed into her life, and why does he make her feel safer than ever before?

My Review:
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I love this book and the fact that we are getting more books that have to deal with Either Visible or invisible Disabilities.
As ask someone who deals with both. II enjoy reading any book that I can find with any type of disability Representation.


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