Review: Our Breakaway by S.C. Kate

Our Breakaway
Our Breakaway by S.C. Kate

Detroit sportswriter Addie Kessel was looking forward to the hockey season starting back up again, but all excitement flies out the window when she’s assigned to write a feature piece on the team’s new rookie, Tyler Jettersen.

Because Tyler’s older brother… is her ex-fiance.

After a bit of research, Addie finds that neither Jettersen brother has ever given anyone an interview in all the years they’ve been playing hockey.

No one knows their story.

No one besides Addie, that is.

The only problem– when Addie contacts Tyler for an interview, he says he’ll only do it under one condition…

She has to do the one thing she swore she’d never ever do again…

Talk to Casey Jettersen.


Casey Jettersen should’ve been living it up. He’s a veteran NHL player and one of the league's best defensemen.

But he can’t seem to get over the fact that he’s missing the one and only thing he ever wanted in life…

The one person who helped him get where he is today.

The person who’s currently calling him after a decade of silence.

My Review:
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I really enjoyed this book, and I can't wait to see what happens next in what this author brains next after she has finished this series.


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